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Department of
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
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Video Classes
Department of CSE inaugurated the Association and organized Two day Workshop on”Full Stack Development ” on 21.09.2023 and 22.09.2023
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organizes a Guest Lecture on “Communication Engineering ” by Dr.A.Ambika , Assistant Professor (Sr. Grade), B.S Abdur Rahuman Cresent Institute of Science and Technology on 09.10.2023
Department of CSE is organising a National Level Technical Symposium NUTPAM 2K23 on October 17th , 2023
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering proudly presents the 15th National Level Technical Symposium “NUTPUM 2K23” on 17th OCTOBER 2023
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organizes a Guest Lecture on “Machne Learning Techniques“ by Mr.A.Tharik Anwar , Machine Learning Developer , Retech Solutions Pvt Ltd , Chennai on 07.09.2023
Department of CSE organised a REDHAT (OPEN SOURCE) TECHNOLOGY orientation session for II CSE and 20 students successfully obtained the Global Certification on Containers(3rd Level) on 07.09.2023
Department of CSE arranged Industrial Visit to Neyveli Lignite Corporation for II CSE students on 03.05.2023
Department of CSE is Organising Sixth National Level Conference on Information and Communication Engineering -NICE’23 during 6/4/23
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Industrial Visit to National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Tirupati on 17.02.2023 for III Year CSE Students
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organizes a Guest Lecture on “Artificial Intelligence “by Ms.Ganga Dinesh, M.E, Software Developer (ML), Retech Solutions Pvt.Ltd. on 08.02.2023
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organizes Skill Rack Awareness Program for First Year CSE Students by III Year CSE Students on 02.03.2023.
BOOT Camp Series II “Machine Learning with Tensor Flow “by Dr.Joseph H.R.ISAAC, M.S.,Ph.D.@IIT Madras, Data Scientist-II at GAIA, Ericsson during from 06.02.2023 to 08.02.2023
Machine Learning in Health Care by Dr.P.Sakthivel, Vice-Chairman (Academics), IEEE Madras Section & Chairman, IEEE Computer Society Madras Chapter on 09.01.2023 to 13.01.2023
International Women’s Day was celebrated by Sairam Institutions on March 8th , 2023
Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized Guest Lecture on Problem Solving using Data Structures by Dr.K.S.Arikumar on 28.11.2022.
International day for Elimination of Violence against Women an Awareness Program on Violence against Women by Mrs.D.Manjupriya Advocate, Alandur Court on 25.11.2022.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized TKINTER the GUI Toolkit“by II CSE on 21.11.2022
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Five Days Virtual FDP on “Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Using Unity Tool “during 11.07.2022 to 15.07.2022.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organizes “Red Hat Day Celebration” on 02.09.2022.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering proudly presents the 14th National Level Technical Symposium “NUTPUM 2K22” on 28th OCTOBER 2022.
Department of CSE Organised National Conference on Information and Communication Engineering (NICE 2022) on 22nd April 2022.
Department of CSE arranged Industrial Visit for II Year CSE students to Regional Meteorological Centre , Chennai on 22.04.2022
Department of CSE arranged Industrial Visit for III CSE students to Cloud InfoTech , Pondicherry on 01.04.2022.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Workshop on “Introduction to the World of data Visualization with Microsoft Powerbi “ by S.Swetha – III CSE Beta- Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadar and G.Rajalakshmi – III CSE Alpha- Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadar during 26.03.2022 to 29.03.2022
Department of Computer Science and Engineering conducted Two Days Workshop On “Key to Secure Your It Future” by Mr.G.Mahesh, Manager , GS Infotech and Mr.Jay Prasaand S , Sales head at Sharpsys on 25.03.2022 & 26.03.2022
A Smart India Hackathon – SIH 2022 was conducted on 09.03.2022.
Alumni Interaction with Students by Mr. Surya Prakash on 07.03.2022
Signed an Memorandum of Understanding between IBM on 02.03.2022
Alumni Interaction with Students by Ms.Ramya on 02.03.2022
Alumni Interaction with Students by Mr.Rohit on 02.03.2022
Best Mentor “Skill Rack Appreciation Programme “ conducted on 02.03.2022
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organised Seminar on “How to Write and Organize a Research Paper “by Dr.K.PalaniKumar on 01.03.2022.
An Orientation session on Smart India Hackathon 2022 was conducted on 28.02.2022.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Five Days Virtual FDP on “Research Capabilities in Fog and Edge Computing “during 14.02.2022 to 18.02.2022.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized Virtual Webinar on ”Preparation for AQAR and NAAC Reassessment” by Ms.S.Nirmala , Associate Professror,Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering & Technology on 10.02.2022.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering organised Alumini Meet on 08.01.2022.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering organised Webinar on “Commercialization of Lab Technologies & Tech-Transfer” by Mr.Nivas Prabu , Full Stack Developer – Digital Support Maersk Training India PvtLtd., chennai on 04.01.2022.
IV CSE Video Classes
II CSE Video Classes
Toycathon Winners
Department of Computer Science and Engineering organised Hands on Workshop for Beginners on “C Programming “ by Mr.Vishnu Prasath R , IV Year and Mr.Nikhil R , IV Year on 21.12.2021
Department of Computer Science and Engineering organised Google Developer Students Club “Think like a Programmer series-1” on 18.12.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organised Two days Workshop on “Introduction to Deep Learning” by Ms.Nathiya ,Project Engineer,Pantech Solutions on 15.12.2021 &16.12.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organised “Tech Seminar on Red Hat (Open Source) Technology & Industry Adaptation” by Ms.Sameera Shah Red Hat Certified Instructor and Mr. Ranjit Sengupta Director and COO, Vectra Techno soft Pvt LTD., Chennai on 03.12.2021 .
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Project Review on 03.12.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Association with CSI Organized a National Level Tech Event “NUTPAM 2K21”on 02.12.2021
Special Lecture on Automatic Transmission for Armoured Fighting Vehicles by Ms.V.Uma Scientist – F, CVRDE, DRDO and Dr. S.Krishnakumar, Sr.Technical Officer, Ministry of Defence ,Defence Research & Development Organisation ( DRDO) on 25.11.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organizes Inauguration of IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter by Dr.N.Kumarappan, Chairman IEEE Madras Section & CIS Madras Chapter, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu on during 26.10.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with IEI inaugurated IEEE Computer society Student Branch Chapter on 26.10.2021
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized in association with CSI Five Days Virtual Faculty Development Programming on “Deep Learning in health care” during 25.10.2021 to 20.10.2021
Inaguration of CSE Association & Three Days Workshop on “Java Programming for Beginners by Mr.M.Loganathan , Senior Associate, Cognizant Technology Solutions on 04.10.2021 to 06.10.2021
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized “Skill rack Orientation Program” by Ms.A.Priyadharshini, Software Engineer, Serendebyte & Ms.RaviMounika Placed in ZOHO Corporation on 29.09.2021
Department of Computer Science and Engineering GDSC SSIT Core Team Organized ”Info Session Google Developer Student Club” by Mr.G.Magesh Sundar, GDSC Lead on 25.09.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Workshop on “Problem Solving in Agile Methodology” by Ms.A.Poornimarani, Agile Delivery Manager, Mind Tree Consulting Pvt. Ltd., United States of America on 24.09.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organised One Day Seminar on “Modern Essentials for Under Graduate Projects” by Ms.SanthiPriya Raja, Software Engineer, Assure E-Services Pvt.Ltd.Chennai on 23.09.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organised Innovative Webinar on “CISCO Ideathon” on 13.09.2021 by Mr.N.Deepcharran, Consulting Engineer, CISCO.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organised Webinar on “Research Applications on Azure Powershell” by Mr.AktharNazir, Technical Consultant, Microsoft Process (Concentrix) on 02.09.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Guest Lecture on “Object Oriented Programming ” on 01.09.2021 by resource person Dr.S.ThangaRamya , Associate Professor, RMK Engineering College, Chennai.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organised Seminar on “A tour of Machine Learning Algorithms with case study” on 28.08.2021 for IV year Students.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Orientation Program for “Skill rack and career Awareness” conducted on 26.08.2021 for III CSE students.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Guest Lecture on “ComputerNetworks” on 24.08.2021 for IIIrd Year Students
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Guest Lecture on “Microprocessor and Microcontroller” on 23.08.2021 for IIIrd Year Students
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Five Days Virtual FDP on “Block Chain and Cryptocurrency “during 09.08.2021 to 13.08.2021
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Webinar on “Roadmap For a Job in the Software Industry “ by Mr.Sathappan Chidambaram system Development Engineer at Amazon on 30.07.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Workshop on “Ethical Hacking and Cyber security” by Mr.Aswin, Cyber Security Analyst, Infoziant Security on 31.05.2021 to 01.06.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Virtual Workshop on “Machine Learning Modelling” by Dr.Doreen Robin ,Data Scientist ,ML DL Trainer, Director,CIRF & Administrator ,BMHSS ,Chennai on 01.06.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Guest Lecture on Jupyter – notebook for Machine Learning on 31.03.2021 by Mr. Kumar Sundaram ,Data Scientist ,Imarticus Learning Chennai.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Guest Lecture on Full Stack JAVA on 25.03.2021 by Mrs.B.Elang Kavin, Senior Engineer, Infosys,Chennai.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized a Guest Lecture on “ Artificial Intelligence” by Mr.Mohammed Harun, Faculty &SME -Artificial Intelligence , iNurture Education Solutions pvt Ltd,Bangalore on 06.05.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Virtual Workshop on “Machine Learning Modelling” by Dr.Doreen Robin, Data Scientist, ML DL Trainer, Director, CIRF & Administrator, BMHSS, Chennai on 01.06.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Workshop on “Ethical Hacking and Cyber security” by Mr.Aswin, Cyber Security Analyst, Infoziant Security on 31.05.2021 to 01.06.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized a Guest Lecture on “ Artificial Intelligence” by Mr.Mohammed Harun, Faculty & SME -Artificial Intelligence , iNurture Education Solutions pvt Ltd, Bangalore on 06.05.2021.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Webinar on “VC Funding Opportunity for Early Stage Entrepreneurs “ on 29.04.2021
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Guest Lecture on Jupyter – notebook for Machine Learning on 31.03.2021 by Mr. Kumar Sundaram ,Data Scientist ,Imarticus Learning Chennai.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Guest Lecture on Full Stack JAVA on 25.03.2021 by Mrs.B.Elang Kavin, Senior Engineer, Infosys, Chennai.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Tech Seminar on Open Source Technology & Industry Adaptation Red Hat Technology on 26.02.2021 by Mr.N.Kathirvel Red Hat Certified Trainer Advantage Pro.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Webinar on Mentorship Session For Student Entrepreneurs on 19.02.2021 by Mr.T.Selva Ganapathy Vice President – AICL Chennai.
Online Training Programme – Technology Based Entrepreneurship Development Programme ( TEDP ) on ” PC Troubleshooting & Hardware Maintenance ” on 11.02.2021 to 24.03.2021
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized AICTE Sponsed Five Days Faculty Development Programming on “Advanced Tools and Techniques for Data Sciences” during 01.02.2021 to 05.02.2021 by Dr.Banshidhar Majhi Director, IIITDM Kancheepuram.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Workshop Ms.Gayathri Murugadas , Co- Founder & Vice President – Study Monk, Chennai ,Tamilnadu on “Entrepreneurship Development Phases for during 24.12.2020.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Webinar Mr.Meenakshi Sundaram Senior Soft Skills Trainer & Motivational Speaker & HR Consultant Innate Talent, Chennai , on “Professional Skill Etiquette ( Attitude Development ) for during 22.12.2020
Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Workshop Ms.Gayathri Murugadas , Co- Founder & Vice President – Study Monk, Chennai ,Tamilnadu on “Entrepreneurship Development Phases for during 24.12.2020.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized a WEBINAR on “Industry Expert session in VMWare – VSphere ICM – 6.5″ on 19.12.2020.
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering organized a WEBINAR on” MOTIVATIONAL SESSION BY SUCCESSFUL INNOVATORS” by Mr.Naveen Kumar Start up Facilitator, Government of India, Founder & Managing Partner,Oscar Global IPR & LEGAL Research Services on 11.11. 2020 at 10:00 AM India.
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Workshop Ms.P.Nathiya , Senior Software Associate Sella India Software Services Private Limited on “Java Programming For Beginners” for during 02.11.2020 to 06.11.2020.
Department of CSE Organised a FDP on ” TOOLS EXPLORED IN DISTRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES ” on 11.5.2020 to 16.5.2020.
Department of CSE Organised a WEBINAR on “Future skills for Digital learning” on 22.6.2020.
Department of CSE Organised a WEBINAR on ” A Guidance on Active Government Funding & Facilitation to Become a Successful Entrepreneur ” on 25.07.2020
Dept. of CSE organized a Guest Lecture Ms.P.Vijayakumari , Associate Professor, Jeppiaar Maamallan Engineering college on “Communication Engineering” on 12.10.2020.
Department of CSE Organised a FDP on ” Predictive Modeling And Data Analysis Using Python Based Machine Learning Technique ” on 05.10.2020 to 10.10.2020 ( Phase III).
Deparment of Computer Science and Engineering organized inaugural Function of CISCO Academy 2020-21 Mr.G.Sivakumar Senior Manager,CISCO Systems India Pvt.Ltd. Bengaluru on 22.10.2020.
Deparment of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Workshop Ms.P.Nathiya , Senior Software Associate Sella India Software Services Private Limited on “Java Programming For Beginners” for during 02.11.2020 to 06.11.2020.
Department. of Computer Science and Engineering organized “NUTPAM” Technical Event on 29.10.2020 .
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Workshop Mr.Sumod Sundar , Assistant Professor & IEEE SB Counselor UKFCET, Kerala on “Machine Learning For Beginners” for during 20.10.2020 to 23.10.2020.
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering organized inaugural Function of CISCO Academy 2020-21 Mr.G.Sivakumar Senior Manager,CISCO Systems India Pvt.Ltd. Bengaluru on 22.10.2020.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Workshop Mr.Sumod Sundar , Assistant Professor & IEEE SB Counselor UKFCET, Kerala on “Machine Learning For Beginners” for during 20.10.2020 to 23.10.2020.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering proudly presents 12th National Level Technical Symposium “NUTPUM 2020” on 29th OCTOBER 2020.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering proudly presents AIMBIGATHON 2.0 36 Hour Hackathon for Sairamities(Inter College Hackathon) from 29.10.20 to 31.10.20 in Slack Workspace-Online Mode.
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Guest Lecture Ms.P.Vijayakumari , Associate Professor, Jeppiaar Maamallan Engineering college on “Communication Engineering” on 12.10.2020.
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering organized inaugural Function of Association Of CSE and Guest Lecture Mr.Ahamed Khalid , Vice president & Business Head -Chennai and Mr.Subash.M , Senior Executive-Business Development Imarticus Learning on “Data Visualizatio using Tableau” for during 09.10.2020.
Department. of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Guest Lecture Mr.Thamaraiselvam , BNY Mellon Technology Pvt Ltd, Chennai on “Data Structures Using Python” on 06.10.2020.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organised a Faculty Development Programming on ” Predictive Modeling And Data Analysis Using Python Based Machine Learning Technique ” on 05.10.2020 to 10.10.2020 ( Phase III).
Dept. of CSE organized inaugural Function of Association Of CSE and Guest Lecture Mr.Ahamed Khalid , Vice president & Business Head -Chennai and Mr.Subash.M , Senior Executive-Business Development Imarticus Learning on “Data Visualizatio using Tableau” for during 09.10.2020.
Dept. of CSE organized a Workshop Mr.Sumod Sundar , Assistant Professor & IEEE SB Counselor UKFCET, Kerala on “Machine Learning For Beginners” for during 20.10.2020 to 23.10.2020.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organised a Faculty Development Programming on ” Predictive Modeling And Data Analysis Using Python Based Machine Learning Technique” on 07.9.2020 to 12.09.2020 ( Phase II).
Department of CSE Organised a FDP on “Predictive Modeling And Data Analysis Using Python Based Machine Learning Technique” on 07.9.2020 to 12.09.2020 ( Phase II).
Department of CSE Organised a FDP on ” Predictive Modeling And Data Analysis Using Python Based Machine Learning Technique” on 03.08.2020 to 08.08.2020 ( Phase I)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organised a Faculty Development Programming on ” Predictive Modeling And Data Analysis Using Python Based Machine Learning Technique” on 03.08.2020 to 08.08.2020 ( Phase I)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized a WEBINAR on ” A Guidance on Active Government Funding & Facilitation to Become a Successful Entrepreneur ” on 25.07.2020
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized a WEBINAR on “Introduction To Data Science And Analytics Using R” on 04.07.2020.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organised a WEBINAR on “Future skills for Digital learning” on 22.6.2020.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organised a Faculty Development Programming on “THEORY OF COMPUTATION” on 22.6.2020 to 26.6.2020.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized a WEBINAR on “Software Configuration Management in DevOps” on 18.6.2020 and 19.6.2020.
Department. of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Guest Lecture Mr.Thamaraiselvam , BNY Mellon Technology Pvt Ltd, Chennai on “Data Structures Using Python ” on 06.10.2020.
Department of CSE Organised a FDP on “MODERN IOT TECHNOLOGY TOOLS & DESIGN FOR REAL TIME APPLICATIONS” on 03.6.2020 to 09.06.2020.
Department of CSE Organised a Faculty Development Programming on “THEORY OF COMPUTATION” on 22.6.2020 to 26.6.2020.
Department of CSE Organised a WEBINAR on “Software Configuration Management in Devops” on 18.6.2020 and 19.6.2020
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organised a Faculty Development Programming on “MODERN IOT TECHNOLOGY TOOLS & DESIGN FOR REAL TIME APPLICATIONS” on 03.6.2020 to 09.06.2020.
Department of CSE Organised a FDP on ” COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS ” on 21.5.2020 to 27.5.2020.
Department of CSE Organised a WEBINAR on ” An Introduction to Cloud Hosted Servers and Services” on 25.5.2020.
Department of CSE Organised a WEBINAR on ” Expectations of Envisioned Future ” on 18.5.2020.
27.02.20 SIT sports day
III CSE students went on an industrial visit to Chennai Meterological Centre on 13.2.2020
Guest Lecture in AI and Robotics by Mr.Ganapathy EPR Labs for III CSE students on 10.2.20
Department of CSE conducted a Guest lecture on Data Science by Mr.Ahamed Khalid,Vice President,Imarticus Learning for III CSE Students on 21.01.2020
Department of CSE conducted Five days value added Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) course From 16.12.2019 to 20.12.2019
ISTE TN Section Appreciation Award for mobilizing Maximum Number of Faculty Life Membership.
ISTE Manakula Vinayagar Best Student Project Award 2019 was awarded to Mr.Sudharson and Mr.Krishnamoorthy of CSE 2019 Batch
Two days FDP on Machine Learning using Python” organized by Department of CSE on 12.12.19 & 13.12.19
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized Seminar On “DATA ANALYTICS”on 08.08.2019
Department of CSE organised Tech Fest-Nutpam ’19 and 24-hr Hackathon Event- AimBigathon From 26.9.19 to 27.9.19 at Sigma Auditorium ,Sri Sairam Institute of Technology,Chennai Guest’s of Honor Mr.Prasad Poosarla-BI Worlswide,Mr.Praful Vinayak-Dapplogix,Mr.Arul
Department of ECE organized Six Days AICTE Sponsored STTP on Research Areas in Smart Antenna Design for Cubesat Applications from 31.10.2019 to 06.11.2019.
Mr.G.Pruthvi Raj of IV CSE won Best NSS Volunteer Award for 2018-2019 in Anna University
Mr. Darshan S, Mr.Banuprakash Guntupalli, Mr.Sairam T of III CSE have won 1st prize of RS.15000 in Blockhathan2k19
IV CSE Students went on an Industrial Visit to Chennai Airport-ATS Complex on 13.09.2019.
Department of CSE is Organizing AIMBIGATHON’19 , a 24-Hour Hackathon for SairamITes on 26th September and 27th September 2019.
Department of CSE is organizing TechFest – NUTPAM’19 on 26th September 2019.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Organized a National Level Technical Festival “ELEXPLORE2K19” on 25.09.2019.
Center of Excellence on VMWare IT Academy
International seminar on “Industry 4.0” by Dr. Anand Nayyar Professor, Researcher and Scientist in Graduate School, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Viet Nam in our VRR Auditorium on 23.8.2019
Department of CSE organized National Conference on Information and Communication Engineering NICE’19 on 21.3.19
WEBINAR on “A day in the life of a Red Hat Solution Architect” 2.7.19
Department of CSE in Association organizes a 3 day workshop on Java Fundamentals from 4.7.19 to 6.7.19
WEBINAR on “A day in the life of a Red Hat Solution Architect” -2.7.19
Department of CSE organizes a National Conference on Information and Communication Engineering NICE’19 on 21.03.2019
Departments of CSE and IT organises Computer Society of India State Level Student Convention on 13.03.2019.
Department of CSE in association with IEI(INDIA) organizing three days workshop on “Machine Learning Using MATLAB” From 06.02.19 to 08.02.19.
Department of CSE in association with Institution Engineers of India organised a seminar on “Block Chain Management” by Dr.N.Bhalaji, Associate Professor, SSN College of Engineering for IV year CSE students on 22.1.2019.
Department of CSE organized a guest lecture on Database management Systems for II CSE by Mr.S.Thamarai Selvam,Lead associate,BNY Mellon Technology during 05.1.19
Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Association of Computer Science Engineers organize a seminar on “Latest Trends in IT ” on 08th January 2019 at Smart Class Room.
AICTE Smart India Hackathon (SIH 2019) awareness programme on 03.1.19 by Mr.K.B.Sundhara Kumar,SSN School of Advanced Career Education & Mr.S.Anand Kumar,Technology Analyst,Infosys,Chennai.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is organizing 3 days Skill Development Programme from 03.12.18 to 05.12.18 in “COMPUTER SKILL DEVELOPMENT” for all Non-teaching staff members.
Department of CSE and IT organizes “Train the Trainer Program Security Infrastructure Specialist”
FDP-“Introduction to PYTHON Programming”.
CSE 3yr Students won first prize of cash Rs.100000/- in Bangalore Hackathon. 250 teams participated in the Hackathon conducted by MyLan Pharma pvt.Ltd.Bangalore. The team presented their project in Block Chain Management in Health care
Dept. of CSE organizes workshop for III yr CSE on “IoT and Gadget Development” hosted by from 20.8.2018 to 24.8.2018.
Dept. of CSE organizes workshop for II yr CSE on “Java Fundamentals” hosted by SANDS From 17.8.2018 to 21.8.2018.
Department of CSE organizes 3 days Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, from 26.09.2018 to 28.09.2018.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering proudly presents 10th National Level Technical Symposium “SINTACS’18” on 25th September 2018
Dept of CSE signed MoU with IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM on 21.06.2018.
Department of CSE organized a Guest Lecture on “Theory of Computation” by Dr.Fouzul Hidhaya ,Computer Technology, MIT, Anna University on 24.07.2018.
Department of CSE organizes the “Inaugural of Association of CSE and a Seminar on Cloud Computing In Association with Computer Society of India ” by Mr.A.ARUNACHALAM, Associate Project Manager, HCL TECHNOLOGIES LTDS on 13.07.2018
Oracle Academy – Students Day Webinar on 26.02.2018
Department of CSE Organised a guest lecture on Mobile Computing by Dr. G. Rajesh, Professor, MIT during 23.2.18.
Department of CSE and IT organize workshop on “Python on Devop” in Association with IEI from 06.02.18-09.02.18 and 12.02.18-15.02.18,Herewith i have attached the invitation
Department of IT and CSE organize five days workshop on “Salesforce Business Administration Specialists” in Association with ICT Academy from 06.02.18 to 29.01.18 and 02.02.18 to 15.02.18.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering In Association with Computer Society of India Organizes a “Seminar on RASPBERRY PI and IOT” on 23.1.18
Department of CSE is organizing a National Conference on Information and Communication Engineering (NICE’18) on 18.04.2017.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering In Association with Computer Society of India Organizes a “Seminar on Data Science” on 25.1.18 by MrKarthikeyanSivasubramanian, SVP BusinessAnalytics Consultingand Mentoring
Department of CSE & Department of IT In Association with Computer Society of India Organizes “Eight Days Workshop on Java Fundamentals” from 22.01.2018 to 25.01.2018 & 12.02.2018 to 15.02.2018
Department of CSE In Association with Computer Society of India Organizes Seminar on RASPBERRY PI and Internet of things for IV CSE students on 23.01.2018
National / International Conference
Seminars / Workshops / Guestlecture
Project Exhibition
FDP / SDP / Club Activities
Department of CSE organised a seminar on Higher Education from Education Matters on 12.7.19
Department of CSE in association with The Institution of Engineers (India) organized a 3 days workshop on Cloud Computing with AZURE From 11.07.2019 to 13.07.2019
Mr. P.S Sudharshan, Mr. Krishnamurthy B of 2018 passed out CSE students won the ISTE TN section Best Project Award.
Department of CSE Organised a WEBINAR on ” Expectations of Envisioned Future ” on 18.5.2020.
Department of CSE Organised a WEBINAR on ” An Introduction to Cloud Hosted Servers and Services” on 25.5.2020.
Department of CSE Organised a WEBINAR on “Software Configuration Management in Devops” on 18.6.2020 and 19.6.2020
Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized National Level Technical Symposium ” NUTPAM 2022 ” on 08.11.2022
Department of CSE is organising a National Level Technical Symposium NUTPAM 2K23 on October 17th , 2023
Department of CSE Organised IEEE Computer Society , Madras Section Sponsored Workshop on “IOT and Big Data Analytics ” on 05.10.2023 and 06.10.2023
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organizes a Guest Lecture on “Communication Engineering ” by Dr.A.Ambika , Assistant Professor (Sr. Grade), B.S Abdur Rahuman Cresent Institute of Science and Technology on 09.10.2023
Department of CSE inaugurated the Association and organized Two day Workshop on”Full Stack Development ” on 21.09.2023 and 22.09.2023
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