Minu Dhakshina B.S , Deepika Lakshmi .M.B, Aanandhini.S have secured 2nd Position In Inspiration for the Project title ” Know Them” held on 21.02.2024 and 22.02.2024

Adhavan.M , Dhanush .G , Suraj.R have secured 3rd Position in Inspirathon for the Project titled “Web Indexed Curated Learning Platform” held on 21.02.2024 and 22.02.2024

Three of the students From CSE are undergoing internship at Research center BU- CROCCS at Bangkok University

Department of CSE inaugurated the Association and organized Two day Workshop on”Full Stack Development ” on 21.09.2023 and 22.09.2023

Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organizes a Guest Lecture on “Communication Engineering ” by Dr.A.Ambika , Assistant Professor (Sr. Grade), B.S Abdur Rahuman Cresent Institute of Science and Technology on 09.10.2023

Department of CSE is organising a National Level Technical Symposium NUTPAM 2K23 on October 17th , 2023

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering proudly presents the 15th National Level Technical Symposium “NUTPUM 2K23” on 17th OCTOBER 2023

Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organizes a Guest Lecture on “Machne Learning Techniques“ by Mr.A.Tharik Anwar , Machine Learning Developer , Retech Solutions Pvt Ltd , Chennai on 07.09.2023

Department of CSE organised a REDHAT (OPEN SOURCE) TECHNOLOGY orientation session for II CSE and 20 students successfully obtained the Global Certification on Containers(3rd Level) on 07.09.2023

Department of CSE arranged Industrial Visit to Neyveli Lignite Corporation for II CSE students on 03.05.2023